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Swimming Pool Maintenance in Illinois: Tips by American Deck & Sunroom

Home / Custom Decks / Swimming Pool Maintenance in Illinois: Tips by American Deck & Sunroom

Pool Maintenance in Illinois 

Though winter is creeping up on us at a rapid pace in Illinois, it’s important to remember to take care of the summer aspects of your home for winter weather, such as swimming pools and swimming pool maintenance. Swimming pools can be both fun and look beautiful in your yard… however, if not taken care of properly, they won’t be either. Learn a little more about proper pool maintenance below.

pool maintenance

Daily Tasks for Pool Maintenance

  • Daily, be sure to check the pool cleaner; if you use a pressure cleaner, be sure the bag is emptied when full.
  • Suction cleaners and robot cleaners don’t need to be run daily. Run the pool cleaner when needed to save wear and tear.
  • Don’t remove the pool cover to clean the pool until you’ve cleaned the area surrounding the pool, to ensure that you don’t get more debris in the water.

Weekly Tasks for Pool Maintenance 

  • Weekly, you should vacuum the pool 2-3 times as needed, brushing the sides and bottom of the pool.
  • You also need to remove any piece of debris, like leaves and sticks floating on top of the water, due to the fact that they will eventually sink and will be difficult to clean out.
  • To ensure that the water meets the requirements it needs, put chlorine or another sanitizer into the pool. The sanitizer level may depend on the weather conditions in your area. Be sure to test and adjust the pH levels in the water on a weekly basis.

pool maintenance

Monthly Pool Maintenance Tasks

  • Monthly, you need to chemically clean the filter.
  • If you have a saltwater pool, make sure you check the salt levels.
  • Be sure to keep the skimmers clean so that the area around the pool stays as clean as possible.

Before Closing up for the Season

Before winter hits, you have to make sure your pool is empty and clean so that there’s no pool water left that could freeze the pipes, ultimately causing costly damage. Use an air compressor to blow any extra water out of the plumbing system. Any remaining water in the heater and the filter needs to be removed as well, which can be done with nontoxic antifreeze. Before you close your pool, check for cracks and leaks to be sure that your pool can be used when swimming season comes back around. Before cleaning the pool after emptying it, disconnect the heater, pump and chemical feeders, which should also be cleaned. Afterwards, you can begin cleaning the pool before covering it. Be sure that the pool cover tightly secures around the pool with no damage.

pool maintenance


No matter your architectural needs, American Deck & Sunroom can provide you with a custom design that will increase the worth of your home, will blend seamlessly with your existing architecture, and will last a lifetime. At American Deck & Sunroom, we don’t build houses. We don’t help you understand pool maintenance. What we do is design and build beautiful outdoor spaces…extensions of your home that flow with your existing property and architecture. And because we specialize, we go beyond the, “If you can dream it, we can build it,” catchphrase often quoted. After nearly 20 years in business and nearly 13,000 designs and counting, we have the experience to design outdoor spaces you’ve never even dreamed possible.

After nearly 20 years of experience and almost 13,000 drawings later, our best credentials remain our list of satisfied customers. Though our projects are concentrated in Lexington & Louisville Kentucky, Tennessee, Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio, we have projects completed from Arkansas to Rhode Island and from Dallas to Green Bay. Our custom decks, designs, and our commitment to excellence are second to none.

We only have two rules: our designs will look like they belong with the architecture of the house, and we build anything but square decks. Our goal is to go beyond what you’ve dreamed to create a unique space unlike any other. What are you waiting for? Give us a call today!

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